Breaking Free, 16 week Program

Breaking Free, 16 week Program

$1,500.00 Reg. Price $2,000.00   You Save $500.00
Breaking Free. This is a 16 week program carefully created to help you reach your goals in health and fitness. Though it is different than any other program you have seen, most programs start right at or near 100%. But these are so often almost impossible to maintain but also hard to learn what your doing. This program is a slow ramp up into each new habit, we slowly change nutrition, fitness, and mental strength from week to week. So that by the end of the 16 weeks you have not only reached your weight goals, but you have learned and practiced the skills needed to maintain that weight loss for the rest of your life. We dont want to help you lose a set amount of weight only to gain it back, we want you to be able to NEVER need another coach or diet again. When your done with this program you will have reached your goals and never have to look back.